
Counting Crows + Creo?

Last night, I (Aaron) saw the Counting Crows perform in Muskegon.

The music was amazing, but Adam Duritz said something that really stood out when we reflect about the purpose behind our recent expansion. It sounded something like this:

"There's so many great songs out there that come and go," Adam said, musing on unknown musicians and the multiple bands the Crows were in before August and Everything After. "Thousands of songs. Some don't even get recorded. It's a shame."

Well put, Adam. I've often wrestled with similar thoughts. So many songs are written, sitting dormant on computers or in the bottom of guitar cases, trapped in the fingers and throats of musicians, yet few will ever hear their art, and if no record is made, they'll disappear.

One of our goals with the audio studio is to help musicians make high quality, affordable records, so everyone with a voice has the opportunity to be heard. We're running a summer studio special to do exactly that.

We're living in a digital age where we can literally record one minute, and send the art around the world the next. What a weighty honor. What potential. How exciting.

1 comment:

Matthew Paul Turner said...

Aaron! We need to reconnect man.

hit me back,