
A Whole New Mind: Meaning

“Meaning has become a central aspect of our work and our lives,” writes Dan Pink. According to Pink, in an age where our basic needs for survival are usually met in abundance, (although this is biased, much of our world still struggles to meet daily needs), people have been freed to search more deeply for meaning in all areas of life.

Meaning is why we started our company, to help people exchange ideas, to create new ways to communicate, to present old things in new ways, to meet the challenges of a changing media landscape.

We recently signed a video contract with an entrepreneur who is seeking great social change through his work. His life aim is to help disadvantaged people break through slim odds to become successful contributors to society. He has chosen something “meaningful” for his life, and we’re excited to help him.

There is nearly endless potential today to communicate meaningful, powerful ideas.

Technology has broken down the barriers of global communication, once limited to television, radio or newspapers and magazines. Today, everyone can have a voice.

However, when that voice carries meaning and purpose, it will be heard.


This is the seventh blog based on A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink (Riverhead Books).

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